A Lesson In Fruition

A Lesson in Fruition

Multiple Intelligences…. Arts Integration… my own curriculum… and THE most incredible boss …. How far can I go?

Well, here is an example lesson with many enticing choices using spelling words.

Spelling words

  • Phonics Lesson
  • Identify and illustrate unknown vocabulary (dictionary skills)
  • Review Grammar: Nouns, Verbs, etc. (act out action verbs, use online dictionary)
  • Create a poem and insert adjectives (especially a few numbers)
  • Sing the poem to a tune
  • Turn the poem into a word problem using the RICE method which incorporates illustration)
  • Create a poem based cartoon strip
  • Write a story (BME) about the cartoon
  • Trade cartoons with a buddy and have them create a prequel or sequel

If you can think of any way to incorporate more of the Multiple intelligences, please let me know! I would like to try to incorporate dance. Maybe if the poem contained a cowboy them, we could use square dancing.  I am all atingle waiting for your ideas.

6 thoughts on “A Lesson In Fruition

  1. mvervinck March 4, 2015 at 1:43 am Reply

    Wow! This is a very comprehensive list of ideas. Just being exposed to vocabulary words in a few of these ways will be helpful to your students. Your students are very fortunate!


  2. Gael Lynch March 4, 2015 at 1:52 am Reply

    I’ve always driven myself to madness, knowing my principal was coming in. It was never because I wanted to dazzle him/her, but more b/c I was looking to up my game, try new things, showcase all that my kids were able to do. One lesson I’ve learned, though, is to keep it simple…lock into a driving objective, and showcase them, not me. “Who’s doing the work?” is the question we’re expected to ask ourselves. You have wonderful possibilities here for kids to showcase themselves in action! Be careful to make it manageable for you, and you’ll be a hit for sure! What fun! 🙂


    • bayouwarrior March 4, 2015 at 2:53 am Reply

      You are so right! I am my own worst competitor. I am picking only two to do. I really wanted to do 4. Keep it simple…. I will remind myself again tomorrow.


  3. margaretsmn March 4, 2015 at 2:46 am Reply

    Maybe each type of word could have a hand symbol so that they could do that when they read a verb (action movement), or adjective (fingers wiggle over the eyes like sparkling), or noun (hold arms at attention like a soldier) The actual movement probably matters little. Maybe one day we can be co-teachers. You got this. Can’t wait to hear how it goes.


    • bayouwarrior March 4, 2015 at 2:55 am Reply

      I will co teach with you after being your student for a long time. Just call me grasshopper.


  4. Tara Smith March 4, 2015 at 2:49 am Reply

    You have so many wonderful ideas here…even a few of those would expose kids to vocabulary in such a rich and meaningful way.


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